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XSS, CSRF, Path Traversal, Broken Access Control, Potential Buffer Overflow
Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with KYOCERA ECOSYS M5526cdw printer. The vulnerabilities could be exploited to perform Cross-site scripting (XSS), Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), Path Traversal, Broken Access Control, or Buffer overflow attacks.
CVE-2019-13195, CVE-2019-13196, CVE-2019-13197, CVE-2019-13198, CVE-2019-13199, CVE-2019-13200, CVE-2019-13201, CVE-2019-13202, CVE-2019-13203, CVE-2019-13204, CVE-2019-13205, CVE-2019-13206
KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. acknowledges the NCC Group for reporting these vulnerabilities as it helps our company in optimizing product security.
Please refer to the software version below, which resolves these vulnerabilities. Please contact your support representative for information about installation of the updated software.