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Experience the Future of Inkjet

Future-proof your business
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Printing by Numbers

Investing in a printing machine is a serious process. Running costs, performance, and reliability all contribute to whether your printer is contributing towards your bottom line or taking too long to pay off.

Take a look at our infographic to discovery why inkjet is quickly becoming the wisest investment choice for print service providers.

  • Kyocera Infographic Printing By Numbers.pdf (kyocera-infographic-printing-by-numbers.pdf)
    • 112 KB
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Production print price considerations

Overall, inkjet printing is nearly half the cost (57%) of offset printing, and can save you 24% in costs from similar toner-based printers.

Understanding the total cost of ownership is the first step towards realising your return on investment.

  • Kyocera Infographic Production Print Price Considerations.pdf (kyocera-infographic-production-print-price-considerations.pdf)
    • 112 KB
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Can inkjet help you achieve your business objectives?

Businesses within our industry strive to keep device run-time high and running costs low. Part of addressing these challenges is upgrading your operation and preparing it for the future – creating a high-value, sustainable and relevant offering for your customers.

By reviewing the topics on this checklist, we are able to reach an understanding of how better to optimize costs, energy, productivity and creativity.

  • Kyocera Infographic Can Inkjet Achieve Your Business Objectives.pdf (kyocera-infographic-can-inkjet-achieve-your-business-objectives.pdf)
    • 76 KB
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Personalised Production Printing Solution For You

Kyocera offers a production printing solution with the quality and service you need within your budget – and built for your environment.

  • Is Inkjet Delivering on its Promise?

    What is so interesting about inkjet production printing and is it really delivering on its promise? Download our whitepaper here.

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    Download the brochure

    Download our TASKalfa Pro 15000c brochure for more information about this inkjet production printer.

  • Calculate your Return on Investment

    Inkjet solutions will generate a strong return on investment for your business - impacting your profitability while enhancing your offering.

  • A Personalised Production Printing Solution

    No business is the same. Your printing solutions shouldn’t be either.

  • Woman viewing the printed document

    Let us show you a better way of printing

    Book a demonstration with Kyocera.

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